Why it makes sense to diversify within a fixed index annuity

Watch the interview here.

Delaware Life’s Daniel Getler, Vice President and Head of Index and Fund Solutions, sits down with Gregg Greenberg from IN THE NASDAQ, to discuss why diversifying within a Fixed Index Annuity (FIA) makes sense. Many assume that since FIAs protect principal with a zero floor, volatility doesn’t matter. Daniel explains how volatility still impacts credited interest rates through the hedging process and that diversification remains essential to maximizing risk-adjusted returns.

The interview delves into understanding:

  • What volatility-controlled indexes (VCs) are and how they work
  • Why VC indexes have previously been unpopular
  • How they have evolved to help optimize returns while maintaining downside protection.

Watch the interview to learn more about why now may a good time to diversify with VCs in a FIA.